Hydration Depot Blog

Hydration In The Workplace Is Not Just A Summer Issue
In the hottest days of summer, we are frequently reminded to hydrate often, but what about the cold winter days? The air in colder weather is drier, so when we breathe in, our lungs have to work overtime to add humidity and warm it up. The harder the body works, the more hydration it will need. Regardless of the season, a healthy body loses between 13 to 24 ounces of water every day. Just the water vapor we exhale alone can fill more than a one-liter bottle. read more...

Evaporative Coolers
Are you looking for an efficient and affordable cooling solution? If so, you've probably come across references to both evaporative coolers and swamp coolers. You might be wondering what’s the difference. There is no true difference between these two terms. "Evaporative cooler" is a technically accurate name that describes how the device functions. "Swamp cooler" is a somewhat derogative slang term that describes what can happen to an evaporative cooler if you don’t take proper care of it. read more...

Cool Places to Work
As the weather heats up, so too do your employees. One of the most important things to keep workers safe, healthy, and productive in warm weather is to ensure they stay hydrated. The question is how best to do this in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and still reach the sustainability goals you announced to your staff, customers, and other stakeholders. Luckily, you have a few options. But first, let’s look at the dangers of worker dehydration. read more...

The Importance of Electrolytes
So you're gearing up for another race. You've planned your workouts in minute detail, and you're sticking to your program like your life depends on it. All you need now is a performance-boosting nutrition strategy. Thankfully, it's not all mysterious. You already know you won't get far without replenishing the triumvirate of endurance nutrition: calories, fluids and electrolytes. The calorie part is easy -- fuel equals energy and energy equals performance. read more...